Happy Thursday! Rafal from Chatwith here. I thought I'd let you know about some exciting updates we've just rolled out.

Usage Analytics
We've created a more detailed breakdown of message usage per day and per model. Additionally, you can also view it for past billing periods. This will be definitely helpful if you need a closer look at your monthly usage! This analytics page can be accessed from the new "quick glance" Usage card in our updated sidebar.

Popup & Bubble Settings
Besides configuring the chat icon position, icon and bubble text, now you can also decide when the bubble should disappear and optionally open the chat window automatically upon the user visit on your website. These two options were greatly anticipated and will help you increase engagement with your chatbot.
Small changes and fixes
Here's a list of other things that work better now:
- Improvement: Change payment provider to Paddle (for new customers)
- Improvement: Chat widgets load now 200% faster
- Improvement: Add form validation in Refinements dialog
- Improvement: Add hint about max Refinement length
- Improvement: Unarchive and undelete conversation if a new message was added to it
- Improvement: New sidebar with sections
- Fix: Failed Action calls missing from conversation log
- Fix: Bugs when switching chatbots
- Fix: Characters usage attributed to another project member
- Fix: Usage not counted in the last few hours of each month