Live Chat - Human Handover
Rafal Zawadzki
Rafal Zawadzki Oh dear - I was so looking forward to this feature - what happened? any estimate on a new time frame? it was in progress since June 2024 but went back to planned 10 minutes ago?
Rafal Zawadzki
Jake: hi Jake, thanks for asking. The progress on this feature stalled so for the sake of transparency I decided to put it back into "planned". We need to roll out a few other changes first; but don't worry, live chat support is still very much high on the list. I expect the work will resume mid/end of Q1.
Rafal Zawadzki Super, appreciate the update :)
Ilustria OÜ
Rafal Zawadzki I'm really looking forward to this now.
Ilustria OÜ
Rafal Zawadzki I'm really looking forward to this now.
Hi Rafal Zawadzki - great to see that this feature is in progress. I can offer to show you how it is accomplished between and if this helps. We are currently also using these tools and you might benefit from seeing how they have connected their bot and livechat.
Let me know, then I can schedule a remote session to show you.
Hope this is helpful
Rafal Zawadzki
hi Sven, thanks for offering help! if you were to "teleport" to Chatwith one live chat experience from those products, what would it be?
Rafal Zawadzki
Hi Rafal, are you talking about the Live Chat handover or in general?
I can demonstrate a handover in a quick live session if you want. Let me know and I send you an invitation.
With regards to the other number one feature request. then it is the formating/ targeting based on URLs or groups. I have just added this request as a feature request where I provided additional information.
For us., this feature would even be same important than the Live Chat Handover.
Rafal Zawadzki
some additional thoughts, just in short with regards to the handover
- there needs to be a function in which a live agent can mark him/herself as available or not
- if marked as not available then the user in the chat can ask for transfer. the chatbot would say something like "Sure, let me look for a real person. ..."(should be possible to edit these messages to our liking)
-> if agent marked himself as not available then chatbot gets back with a message kike: "Sorryl, but currently none of our live agents is avaulable. But you can leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible" (should be possible to edit these messages to our liking)
-> If agent is marked as available -> when in chat is flashing searching for a live agent -> there is a notification to the agent -> in LiveChat there is possibility of Desktop alerts (they have a desktop app) or the app in the mobile (they have a mobile app). In our case we need to find another solution. It could potentially be with connecting to pushover which is a free alert app. This should be easily possible with connecting the service. Probably option for users to choose where to send the alert (email, app alert, ifttt, zapier etc,)
-> when agent logs into dashboard he will see a special colum or field with Customer waiting (in a different color so that it is clear to find)
-> Agent can then click there and will be able to take over the chat
Considerations for LiveChat in General:
-,option for customer to send himself a transcript of the chat
- agent should have acces to the knowledge (training from chatbot) Perhaps he has an extra chat where he can quickly prepare his answers and then can just copy and paste into the chat with the customer
- needs to be an option for the user as well as for the agent to close the chat
- when idle there should be an option that the chat closes automatically , after a given period when the user does not answer anymore
- rating after the livechat would be good
- chance to have the live chat saved somewhere
- if possible when user starts a chat again, based on IP or cookies or email , connect both chats
Hope thos helps
Let me know if you have further questions
Agree with Sven on the "Desktop alerts (they have a desktop app) or the app in the mobile (they have a mobile app)" part along with either flashing / push / sound notification so agents can answer mobile on the go
This would be an incredible useful feature that would make Chatwith stand out for sure if you did have a Windows App that could sit in the background along with an iOS/Android app that can be used on phones.
Jake Rafal Zawadzki
An aoo is taking time and needs approval
As mentioned in my comment above, we could easily achieve this with Pushover until a proper Desktop and Mobile app are available.
See here
We also have this solution for several alerts in our organization.
10,000 messages free per month and you could even setup that an alert goes to App and Desktop at the same time. And it is reliable and costs a one time fee of 5 USD per platform (Android, iOS, Desktop)
With this, no big need for developing any apps. Just using this solution would allow for a fast roll-out of the feature
Note: I have no affiliation with pushover. It is just a service we use.
Rafal Zawadzki
Sven Jake
Thanks for the insights! Incredibly useful in scoping the feature.
Dean Lockhard
Hi Rafal, I noticed feature is in progress, so here are a few ideas from my side on how to handle handover.
- Admin should be able to select which option are used for takeover. Should bot contact someone on Whatsapp, through another app, or simple sending an email is enough.
- having Chatwith app, even if app is simple chat interface, mean we can make sure to respond on it quickly, as otherwise notification may be forgotten between other WhatsApp messages or email not noticed.
- important is that if there are several team members, they know if one agents lookover case and he already responded to customer.
- There should be option that if no agency is available, bot can ask for customer email and name so we can come back with solution. I think this should be option to ask for email and name even before chat with agent. Like that classical - " we will forward you to an agent now, but in case connection interrupt, please leave your email and name, so we can contact you back".
- dedicated button for 'talk to human' with admin option to show/hide. this would be easier and faster for customer to contact real agent and not deal with (one step less)
- all messages in process should be editable, so we can tailor communication style to brand where bot is implemented
Cheer and thanks for a great product.
Rafal Zawadzki
in progress
Kevin ManKuan
Is possible when bot reply with "I don´t have the answer of this question", instead send an alert message to my Telegram group? the Alert message contains the Question of the customer so we can know inmediately there need a human support, then that Alert message contains the link of the related chat, we just click on that link to give our best reply that the chatbot can not do it.
Rafal Zawadzki
Kevin ManKuan At the moment you can accomplish something like this by creating an Action that tells the AI to send a message to Telegram.
We'll be adding Action templates soon so this ideally will be enabled with a checkbox.
Riaz Rahman Milton
When can we expect to have this Feature Human Takeover as Jake Said it should work by that way, we are struggling with this things. Everybody want AI or Automations but still there is many point where AI can't provide the answer so in that case if there is no option to request for live agent real time Takeover then there is huge possibility we will lose a potential customer and nobody want to lose a customer due to their advance chat which can't handover the chat to live agent and the business owner have to check every message to find and answer where the chatbot failed and in that point if we have to do the things like that then there is no point using AI chatbot!
100% would love this feature, one of the main things I was on the fence about before purchasing compared to other products. As you mentioned below, implementing live chat as a dedicated, new feature would be no issue, and if handover is seamless such as customer types "talk to someone" this can go straight to live chat feature.
Rafal Zawadzki
hi Jake, what would you expect to happen
on your side
when a customer types "talk to someone"? Implementing a live chat feature is one thing, but we're now drafting how connecting the two humans should work. For example:- customer may need to wait for live agent to become available
- live agent may need to be notified of a waiting customer
- ...
Looking for the simplest solution that covers many bases at once, to make this system uncomplicated but effective for everyone.
Rafal Zawadzki:
Hi Rafal,
Thanks for your speedy response and looking into getting this feature implemented.
So based on using a quite a few live chat systems in my time, I'd recommend it works something like this below.
Bear in mind I understand a live chat intergration can be made into something very complex so for now simplist solution, something maybe in this flow?
1) Customer talks to AI Chatbot as usual
2) Customer requests "talk to someone" OR if agent is online & customer repeats question >2 times (i.e. not getting desired response - ask "Would you like to be connected to an agent? - Yes/No buttons"
3)-IF an agent is online (maybe through a web portal) : Chatbot initiates connection
On end users side: "Connecting, Please wait while we try to connect you"
On back end side : "User is requesting Live Chat" - Give options of Accept or Decline buttons
-IF accepted by agent - connect through
On end users side: You're connected to [Name], please wait while we review your enquiry
On back end side : User connected - Agent can read history of AI conversation to get insight of customers enquiry & start typing/chatting..etc
-IF declined by agent - OR if waiting for set amount of time before no answer[allow customisation]
On end users side: We're unavailable at this time, please contact us by [allow customisation here]
I'd say thats the most basic process, then if you could addon to this experience, I'd recommend things like:
- Allowing attachments so users can send pictures/screenshots to the agent
- Run active checks -
End user side: Agent is typing message
Back End: Customer is typing message
(to know if customer is active/online)
- Show key important messages to keep the end user informed (preventing client frustration) [i.e. You are number 3 in the queue]
- Profile picture - allow agents to display their own image
- On back end side - show useful/important information such as IP Address/Location/Source/Referral URL
To top this off if you really wanted to make it this live chat feature stand out, I'd recommend a system whereby agents can respond
to live chats on the move - it's something so critical that most systems dismiss - so if you could allow agents to be able to reply via communication methods such as WhatsApp or even your own Chatwith IOS/Android app that would be incredible.
Kind Regards,
Rafal Zawadzki
Jake: thanks, that's super helpful!
Rafal Zawadzki
Steve Marks
This is a must have for most of my client base. I look forward to seeing this added in the very near future.
It's sad to see that even with more than 50+ votes, and 2 months, still this is not marked as planned ? Still under review ?
Will your review ever come to end ?
Rafal Zawadzki
Hi Jakaro, "under review" means that we're deciding how to scope the feature, not that the request has been denied.
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